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Eduzen: Your AI-powered shortcut to smarter studying.

Try our powerful tools for free, no sign up required! Easily generate quizzes and flashcards using files, YouTube links, or from scratch.
Boost your learning and test your knowledge today!



How it Works


Upload Your Materials

Start by uploading your course materials—PDFs, videos, lecture notes, and more.


Choose Your Study Tools

Select from a range of powerful study tools, including flashcards, quizzes, notes, or mind maps.


Engage with Live Lectures

Activate the lecture listening feature to capture live lectures and get real-time answers.


Study Smarter

Review and reinforce your learning with personalized flashcards, quizzes, and summarized notes, all tailored to your materials.


Visualize Your Learning

Organize and connect concepts with AI-generated mind maps, making complex topics easier to understand.


Why Choose Us?

Save Time with AI

Automate your study routine with Eduzen AI-powered tools that generate flashcards, quizzes, and summaries in seconds.

Boost Learning Retention

Master concepts with interactive flashcards, quizzes, and mind maps designed to reinforce and test your knowledge with Eduzen.

Stay Organised Effortlessly

Keep all your study materials in one place, from notes to lecture recordings, and access them whenever you need

Real-Time Interaction

Engage with live lectures, take real-time notes, and get instant feedback on any question during your study sessions.


Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I create flashcards from my notes?

Simply upload your notes, documents, or paste text into the Flashcard tool, and let AI do the rest by generating flashcards for you.

Can I generate quizzes from videos?

Yes! Paste the link of a YouTube video, and AI will automatically create quiz questions based on the video content.

What formats can I upload for mind maps?

You can upload PDFs, DOCs, PowerPoints, and more to generate mind maps. We also support YouTube video links for generating mind maps from video content.

How do I record lectures with the AI Lecture Recorder?

During your lecture, hit 'Start Recording,' and our AI will generate live notes and summaries for you. You can revisit the recorded lectures anytime.

Can I edit the flashcards, quizzes, or mind maps AI generates?

Yes, all AI-generated content is fully customizable. You can edit, organize, and review it as you like.

Do I need to download any software?

No downloads are required. Everything runs directly in your browser, making it easy to use on any device.

Can I access my flashcards, quizzes, and mind maps on any device?

Yes, once generated, your study materials are accessible across all devices as long as you're logged into your account.